
ヨロンの種特集How to enjoy winter in Yoron#5

How to enjoy winter in Yoron#5

Reporter Yoron High School, Laglarge

A collab between Yoron Fun and Yoron high school students!
This collab has five English articles of tourist information written in English class.
We hope the article can provide an opportunity for visitors from other countries to encounter Yoron's wide range of fun things and enhance their experience of it!


Hello!  We are going to write about how to enjoy winter in Yoron.  Most people will imagine Yoron Island with a beautiful sea in summer.  But we can enjoy a lot of things in the winter season, too.  We will share two things that you should do in winter on Yoron Island.

The first recommendation is to see beautiful stars.  Yoron has few street lights so you can see many stars.  The best places to see the stars are Kotohira Shrine and Yoron Station.  It is very nice to look at the starry sky and relax there.  If you are lucky, you can watch shooting stars.

▲Kotohira Shrine|Photo by Yasuhiro Hashimoto

▲Yoron StationPhoto by YOSHI

Second, you can enjoy visiting cafes.  There are a lot of dishes that can be eaten only in Yoron.  We recommend “Little Beach 3540” and “Yakusou Café Picnic”.  In Little Beach 3540, you can drink a soda with a picture of Yoron’s blue sea.  In Yakusou Café, you can eat a curry that uses herbs grown in Yoron.

▲Soda drinks from Little Beach 3540

▲Herb curry plate from Yakusou Café

Yoron is located in the south of Japan, so it is relatively warm and we associate it with summer, but there are many ways to enjoy it even in winter.  It’s winter season right now, so be sure to see the stars and go to cafes.




2つ目は、カフェ巡りです。ヨロン島でしか食べられない料理がたくさんあります。私たちのおすすめはLittle Beach 3540薬草カフェピクニックです。Little Beach 3540では、ヨロン島の青い海の写真を見ながらソーダを飲むことができます。薬草カフェでは,与論で栽培されたハーブを使ったカレーを食べることができます。


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